Hungry? Thirsty? Curious?
Welcome! Finding Bread & Wine provides fuel for delicious living. Recipe hacks? Yup. Wine tips? For sure. Plus, other life topics to chew on for inspiration and nourishment.
But first, a few disclaimers:
This is not your typical food blog.
I focus on easy-to-make, healthy-ish, hearty food with simple-to-find ingredients. HOWEVER, I am a lazy chef and will come up with a hack, if one does in fact exist. I rarely measure ingredients unless I’m baking, say, French macarons.
Sometimes I post more intricate recipes, but that’s only because I believe the effort to be well worth the result (this is a great example). Although I include measurements in my recipes, try eye-balling it where possible — it will make you more confident in the kitchen 🙂
This is not your typical wine blog.
I keep it simple by recommending varietals, regions, and styles. And I’ll help you decipher those mysterious labels and break down wine terminology.
No ratings or pretentious descriptors here. I won’t recommend a specific bottle, producer and all, because it’s frustrating when Wine-Searcher tells you that the bottle you’re looking for is available at only three wine shops, the nearest of which is a 12-hour car ride away.
This is not your typical lifestyle blog.
You wont see photos of me jet-setting to exotic places (as much as I would love to), modeling trendy outfits (fun as that would be), or driving fancy cars (I practically live in my minivan, people).
I write about life topics affecting the 21st century human and endeavor to find joy in the everyday.
Think of this space as a place where we foster community over authentic things. Truly, fuel for delicious living.
That said, a warm welcome to Finding Bread & Wine, where you’ll always have a place at the table and ideas about what to eat and drink.